COVID Awareness program

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, raising awareness and promoting the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) emerged as essential measures to curb the spread of the virus. Recognizing this urgent need, GoodWeave Certification Nepal initiated a COVID relief support program for the affiliated carpet factories in Kathmandu Valley. The program was focused on three main strategies: 

I. Awareness-raising
II. PPEs (disposable masks and soap) distribution
III. Access to treatment 

In the very first strategy, GoodWeave Nepal conducted covid awareness-raising sessions among carpet owners and weavers to let them understand what is Covid, how it is transmitted, how can they remain safe from covid, and what to do if anyone gets infected with covid. 
In the second strategy, after the awareness-raising sessions, carpet owners/workers were provided PPEs (disposable masks and soap) to remain safe from covid. All the carpet owners and workers were suggested to wear it properly whenever they are at work inside the factory or they are out for groceries and other essential services. 
In the third strategy, the workers if are infected with Covid are provided access to treatment facilities through a referral mechanism. GoodWeave gathered information on the different covid treatment centers run by Government and private sectors and referred the infected owners/weavers to such centers for the treatment facilities. 

I. Awareness-raising: GoodWeave Nepal conducted virtual COVID awareness sessions for carpet owners and weavers, providing crucial information about the virus, its transmission, preventive measures, and actions to take if infected. Topics covered included general information on COVID-19, transmission methods, proper use of disposable masks, handwashing techniques, symptoms, and when to seek medical assistance. A medical doctor facilitated these sessions, reaching 127 supply chains and 3982 workers. 

II. PPEs (disposable masks and soap) distribution: To minimize COVID transmission, GoodWeave Nepal distributed PPEs, including masks and soap, to carpet weavers, along with guidance on their proper use. A total of 62,800 masks and 2,800 bars of soap were provided to 46 licensee factories, benefiting 5,675 workers across 202 subcontracted factories. GoodWeave inspection team themselves visited the exporter factories and handed over the PPEs materials. These licensees factories later on distributed the masks and soap to 5675 workers from its 202 sub contracted factories. 
Additionally, GoodWeave supported the Nepal Carpet Manufacturer and Exporter Association (NCMEA) by supplying 100,000 disposable masks, 230 N95 masks, and 2,000 bars of soap for distribution among affiliated carpet factories. 

III. Access to treatment: Workers showing COVID symptoms were referred to hospitals for immediate treatment. GoodWeave facilitated easy access to hospitals by sharing a list of COVID treatment centers with contact details. 
Over 20 workers from 11 factories were referred and successfully treated, contributing to their full recovery.