Ms. Sulochana Shrestha-Shah is a Nepalese Social Entrepreneur and the Founding President of Global Compact Nepal. After completing her Master's Degree in Mathematics and Computer Engineering from RWTH University in Germany, she returned to Nepal in the mid 80's to work at the Academy of Science and Technology (RONAST). However, Nepal's lagging technological development at the time found her academically overqualified and her skillset underappreciated, leading her to turn her attention towards rectifying some of the country's most pressing human rights issues at that time -- child labour. 

Upon realizing that Nepal's carpets industry was hugely built on child and sweatshop labor, exposure of which on German TV was the reason behind plummeting carpet exports at that time in Nepal, she established two sister concerns, Formation Carpets and Hoste Hainse. The former, to manufacture child labor free carpets with proper working conditions and wages for employees and the latter, to promote education among the marginalized children, primarily so that children do not find their way into child labour. She, together with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Kailash Satyarthi, began a certification initiative called Rugmark, now GoodWeave, which is now active globally. In 1997, for her work in these three organizations, Ms. Sulochana Shrestha-Shah was awarded a Human Rights Award by the Advocates for Human Rights. 

Ms. Sulochana Shrestha-Shah is currently the founding president of GoodWeave Certification Nepal, and an Advisor to the Global Compact Nepal Board.